Beach Session | Family Session | Sarasota Florida Family Photography
Twins 6 Months | Milestone Session | Lansing MI Child Photography
Miracles sometimes come in pairs.
I really love hearing other stories of how an individual becomes a mom or dad. We all have our own stories. Sometimes it happens just like we planned. Sometimes it doesn’t go the way anyone would plan! However, it is a story that goes along with every new person born. For these twins, the story is definitely one of grief turned to joy.
These two special babies are truly miracles for their mom and dad! Three years earlier, mom and dad lost their first baby early in the pregnancy. A year and a half later, they lost their second baby. A baby girl. The heartbreak, the multiple tests completed, and the unknown of what went wrong.
Months later another test. This outcome a positive results, a plus sign. This time it was not one but TWO! Two little rainbow babies to follow the loss of their siblings. A story strung together with hurt and pain, turned into these two precious and wonderful little twins. While no child can replace the loss of another, the rainbows after the storm bring great joy!
Enjoy some moments of celebration!

Miss E | Cake Smash Session | DeWitt MI Child Photography
You Are My Sunshine. My Only Sunshine. You Make Me Happy.
You are my sunshine is such a sweet theme for a first birthday party. I have never heard of this theme before this momma reached out to me. This meant all the pink and yellow one could have. I mean you can never have too much happiness.
Miss E was wonderful to work with. She was a little hesitant with me, but we got to warm up by playing with confetti (and her bow). Once the cake was in front of her, she really didn’t know what to do. She reached in and got her hands covered in frosting. However, “grey skies” came once the frosting was on her legs and in her mouth. My favorite was how she would hold her leg straight up so it would not get in the cake. The flexibility little ones have is amazing. What I would give to be half of flexible as her.

Family of Four | Family Session | DeWitt MI Family Photography
Welcome to the world, Easton Allen. Our newest family member arrived on May 22, 2018. He was comfy hanging out with me with no rush to start his life on the outside. After being induced three days late, we finally got to meet him at 1:30 in the afternoon. Dad was over the moon, to have another son. I was in love with another little man.
He is perfect.
After returning to the house, we did a small relaxed family session.
Our new house.
Our new family.
The love I felt was overwhelming! (Or maybe that was the hormones😊 ) Now to enjoy cuddles and snuggles, and sleepless nights, for the next three months…

Evelyn | 6 Month Milestone | Lansing MI Child Photography
I enjoy any time I get to spend with this little cutie. She constantly has a smile on her face. I knew she was going to rock her 6 month-milestone session after our time together for her 3 month-milestone session. Oh, boy did she! She was happy and ready for her close up. Honestly, she has to be the happiest little girl I have been around for a while.
During this shoot, her mamma brought some fun outfits. Well, nothing could bet a simple white onesie with the words “Thick Thighs and Pretty Eyes” written on it. It was perfectly fitting for her! Plus her mamma even laughed and said, “She needs to get used to it now! It is the world she is going to live in.” I love how honest this mamma is. No shame in her words, just reality and something to be proud of.
Also, can I get real for a second? After seeing all the cute outfits this little one had, it made me a little sad that I have a boy. He is cute and amazing, but there are not cute outfits like these for boys! At least none that I have found yet. Yes, little polos are cute, but that is just making him look like a young man, not a fun adorable boy!
Have you found some cute clothes for your boys?
Where did you find them?
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Halloween Theme | Mini Session | Evansville IN Child Photography
One of my favorite movies is A League of Their Own. The drama, the story, and the time period always find a special place in my heart. Plus who doesn’t love women kicking butt playing a sport that only “men” should play? All and all this is a great movie. If you have not seen it you should!
Well, one thing I didn’t realize was that one of the fields used in the movie is actually here in the town I live in, Evansville Indiana. A short couple of days after moving here my husband was researching things to do in the area and found that Bosse Field was used as the Racine Belles home stadium. Most notable, the field was used in the final game between the Rockford Peaches and Racine Belles (sister vs sister).
Once I learned all this information I had dreamed of doing a theme photo shoot there. I didn’t share this with anyone, but kept the idea in my mind. Then a mom contacted me about wanting to do the same thing. She even had the Rockford Peaches outfit too. WHAT? Could this really happen? Plus I knew the daughter would be the perfect model for this shoot. I already had fun with her during her mini session earlier in the spring.
We connected with the people at Bosse Field and got it all lined up. On a Friday evening, we got to the field and it was just magical. The sun was just starting to set across the stadium, steaming in great lighting. Honestly, I had to just take a moment when I got on the field to take it all in. The whole shoot was a blast. I am happy that I was able to completed a dream!
See some photos from the session…

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3 Tips to Take a Dream and Make it a Reality
Starting any new adventure or long-time dream can be difficult, especially an adventure to start your own business! In particular, a business in the arts can be very daunting! The fears that run through your mind are endless.
You are not good enough.
You do not know what you are doing.
People will not want to work with you.
Your editing is not very strong.
Your images cannot even compete with other photographers in the area.
You do not know anyone in the area.
You are going to charge how much for your work!?!
These are just some of the first thoughts that came to my mind or the largest fears I have had while going on this journey. Still, I knew in my heart of hearts that I needed to try this adventure. This dream was down deep in my soul. I had spent many hours, days, months, and years daydreaming of starting a photography business. However, my fears, life, and every other excuse got into the way.
Many of you may feel the same way. Here are some tips that got me moving to make my dream a reality.
Write it down.
I have been reading some different books about careers and passion. Constantly fear was a topic that stood out as the reason people were not living the life they wanted. I do not want to look back at my life to see all the ways fear stopped me in achieving certain goals. I hope you do not either. Three of the books all had the same message about fear.
Write it down. Make the lies face the truth.
This way you face the fear and not let it play repeat in your head. You have to face them and name them. Get them out in front of you. Write your fears down on a piece of paper. Once you have them written down, follow up by writing the truth next to them. Remind yourself why this fear does not need to control your thoughts.
Fear: Your images cannot even compete with other photographers in the area.
Truth: You have a vibe and voice in the way you photograph. People who like that voice will want you. Your images will speak to them.
One book even said to mock your fears. Mock them by writing all the outlandish thing that would happen if this came true. This was a fun step! Try this if you really need more help facing your fears.
Just start.
Even though all of these fears were in my mind, I knew the only way I was going to kick them to the curb was to just start. Start a Facebook or Instagram page. Write a blog displaying your work. Talk to people about what you do. You are a photographer! Each step the fears will slowly go away. You want this! Starting can be the best way to calm your fears.
Creative living.
Another one of the books, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, speaks about creative living beyond fear. Her thoughts are super encouraging as she describes living an authentic creative life. One part connected with some of my fears, creative entitlement. As Gilbert describes “creative entitlement simply means believing that you are allowed to be here, and that—merely by being here—you are allowed to have a voice and a vision of your own.”
Go! Start! Write out the truth to those major fears stopping you. Start doing by doing one thing. Show your voice and do what you have always wanted to do.
“I am not a failure if I don’t make it… I’m a success because I tried.” – Unknown
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Hinds Family | Family Session | New Hudson MI Family Photographer
This family is one of my favorite. It helps that they have a wonderful family story, one that I have never heard of before. Let me share…
September is this family’s month. Every big life moment has happened to this family during the month of September. Actually, everything has happened in ONE WEEK! Seven years ago, in September, mom and dad meet and went on their first date. One year, TO THE DAY, they got married! Then, their three beautiful children are all born within that same week, 5 years, 3 years, and this year. How does that even happen?? The best part about that week is no one shares a day with other. They each have their own day! It may be a busy week, but I am sure this family would not change a thing about their lucky life.
I am so excited for this new little bundle of joy. She is going to be so loved by her siblings. I look forward to meeting her!
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Evelyn | 3 Month Milestone Session | Lansing MI Child Photographer
I love when magic just happens during a photo shoot. Evelyn came in for her 3-month milestone session in a cute, fun mustard yellow dress. However, Evelyn did not like the dress as much as I did! Then, her mom showed me a purple floral wrap she got as a gift at one of her baby showers. As we flipped the background to the dark brown and put the headband on, perfect poses flew out of Evelyn. She was ready for the spotlight! Her eyes popped with the color purple around her. In addition, she started to find her hand. Being able to capture a new development milestone was just icing on the cake.
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