Starting any new adventure or long-time dream can be difficult, especially an adventure to start your own business! In particular, a business in the arts can be very daunting! The fears that run through your mind are endless.
You are not good enough.
You do not know what you are doing.
People will not want to work with you.
Your editing is not very strong.
Your images cannot even compete with other photographers in the area.
You do not know anyone in the area.
You are going to charge how much for your work!?!
These are just some of the first thoughts that came to my mind or the largest fears I have had while going on this journey. Still, I knew in my heart of hearts that I needed to try this adventure. This dream was down deep in my soul. I had spent many hours, days, months, and years daydreaming of starting a photography business. However, my fears, life, and every other excuse got into the way.
Many of you may feel the same way. Here are some tips that got me moving to make my dream a reality.
Write it down.
I have been reading some different books about careers and passion. Constantly fear was a topic that stood out as the reason people were not living the life they wanted. I do not want to look back at my life to see all the ways fear stopped me in achieving certain goals. I hope you do not either. Three of the books all had the same message about fear.
Write it down. Make the lies face the truth.
This way you face the fear and not let it play repeat in your head. You have to face them and name them. Get them out in front of you. Write your fears down on a piece of paper. Once you have them written down, follow up by writing the truth next to them. Remind yourself why this fear does not need to control your thoughts.
Fear: Your images cannot even compete with other photographers in the area.
Truth: You have a vibe and voice in the way you photograph. People who like that voice will want you. Your images will speak to them.
One book even said to mock your fears. Mock them by writing all the outlandish thing that would happen if this came true. This was a fun step! Try this if you really need more help facing your fears.
Just start.
Even though all of these fears were in my mind, I knew the only way I was going to kick them to the curb was to just start. Start a Facebook or Instagram page. Write a blog displaying your work. Talk to people about what you do. You are a photographer! Each step the fears will slowly go away. You want this! Starting can be the best way to calm your fears.
Creative living.
Another one of the books, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, speaks about creative living beyond fear. Her thoughts are super encouraging as she describes living an authentic creative life. One part connected with some of my fears, creative entitlement. As Gilbert describes “creative entitlement simply means believing that you are allowed to be here, and that—merely by being here—you are allowed to have a voice and a vision of your own.”
Go! Start! Write out the truth to those major fears stopping you. Start doing by doing one thing. Show your voice and do what you have always wanted to do.
“I am not a failure if I don’t make it… I’m a success because I tried.” – Unknown

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