I enjoy any time I get to spend with this little cutie. She constantly has a smile on her face. I knew she was going to rock her 6 month-milestone session after our time together for her 3 month-milestone session. Oh, boy did she! She was happy and ready for her close up. Honestly, she has to be the happiest little girl I have been around for a while.
During this shoot, her mamma brought some fun outfits. Well, nothing could bet a simple white onesie with the words “Thick Thighs and Pretty Eyes” written on it. It was perfectly fitting for her! Plus her mamma even laughed and said, “She needs to get used to it now! It is the world she is going to live in.” I love how honest this mamma is. No shame in her words, just reality and something to be proud of.
Also, can I get real for a second? After seeing all the cute outfits this little one had, it made me a little sad that I have a boy. He is cute and amazing, but there are not cute outfits like these for boys! At least none that I have found yet. Yes, little polos are cute, but that is just making him look like a young man, not a fun adorable boy!
Have you found some cute clothes for your boys?
Where did you find them?


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