I love being from a large family. I mean…a LARGE family. Between my mom and dad, they have 72 first cousins. Crazy! With such a large number of relatives, I have many first, second, and even third cousins.
Then, there are those “once removed” cousins. Honestly, I have never understood what that means. So naturally I did what I always do when I need a quick answer……search the wonderful world of Google. I found the definition, “your first cousin once removed is the child (or parent) of your first cousin.” Finally that makes sense. It is the next generation.
However, with having a large family, remembering the “proper term” for every cousin and how they are related to you can be difficult. Moreover, trying to determine the relationship terms for my kid…. even more confusing! So, back I went to the wonderful world of the internet. I found this wonderful chart. It has a great break down of the terms by generation. I refer to this often when I am trying to figure out the relationship amongst family members.
Cousins or Cousins Once Removed???
Recently, I had the task of figuring out what cousin my little man is to some new additions to the family. We were in Austin, TX for a family wedding that brought my crazy family together. My two second cousins had their little boys there; one 8 months and the other, 11 months. It was fun watching them meet and play. They got along so well! It reminded me of when I was young playing with their moms. Using my awesome chart from above, I figured out they were only 3rd cousins! However, to me, the two little boys are second cousins once removed. Man, why does it have to be this hard?
With these kids together, we of course had to shoot some photos. Three little ones, all under a year and a half, always makes for fun photos. Look below at some funny faces, pushing each other, and happy boys!


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